Remember lucky rabbit paws? If you were a kid like me, then you may have memories of rubbing the soft fur on your face, and squeezing to feel the claws! They’re hard to find these days, but look no further! And why only rabbits? I had the idea for making these paws on a coastal drive to the beach a few summers ago. I was thinking about how we could honour some of the critters lying on the side of the road... This paw was gleaned from roadkill by a local and sustainable trapper, based in Mi'kma'ki, who harvested the otter tip to tail - from its hide, to its meat.
This otter paw has been wet-molded with handmade vegetable-tanned Chiapas leather and has a small inlay of my own handmade rainbow trout oil-tanned leather. To learn more please visit Skunks n’ Roses’ About Leather page.
Just let me know if you would like this paw turned into a keychain or a car mirror/rearview mirror accessory when you go through the checkout, included in the price. You can also choose the colour of hardware if you want a keychain.
Please note that this item is made to order and may take around 1 week to fulfill.